幸运的 ETH 矿工获得价值 540 万美元的区块奖励

一位个人以太坊矿工开采了一个完整的区块,他的努力获得了 170 ETH,从而赢得了大奖。 换算成美元价值,奖励接近 540,000 美元(按区块奖励被开采的时间计算)。



One such example defied the odds earlier this week and earned 170 ETH for mining an entire block. Calculated in today’s prices, the cryptocurrency amount totals approximately $480,000, while at the time of the mining, the USD value equaled $540,000. The reward significantly surpasses the per-block average reward of about 4 ETH.

单个矿工通过 2Miners: Solo 矿池进行操作。 后者是一个相对较小的组织,由 854 名在线矿工组成,每秒 1.5 太赫列,这意味着平均每名矿工每秒贡献 1.85 千兆赫(GH/s)。

Earlier this month, a solo bitcoin miner beat 1 in 10,000 odds and received a block reward of 6.25 BTC. Interestingly, the chances of this happening were estimated at a mere 0.000073%. The event occurred at the Solo CK pool, while the reward was worth over $267,000 (going by the current price of bitcoin back then).

Even though the chances are extremely rare, the same thing happened one day later when another individual miner pocketed the 6.25 BTC block reward. With just 116 TH/s, they were lucky enough to win the mining race and get approximately $270K worth of the primary digital asset.


加密货币领域的两大霸主——比特币和以太币——目前依赖于工作量证明挖矿共识。 然而,这种模式最近引起了很多争议,因为许多专家声称它对环境构成重大风险。

A few days ago, Erik Thedéen – the vice-chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) – joined this club. In his view, EU financial regulators should ban the proof-of-work mining methodology and encourage the proof-of-stake model, which is less energy-intensive.

值得注意的是,以太坊正在将网络升级到以太坊 2.0,因为过渡应该在今年夏天进行。 随着发展,Vitalik Buterin 的加密货币协议将开始使用股权证明方法,从而变得更加注重绿色。


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