新人! 三星的新系列电视将支持 NFT 集成 ⋆ ZyCrypto

ETF is the ‘Rocket Fuel’ for Bitcoin, Says Global Marco CEO There are a number of milestones that bitcoin lovers anticipate happening in the next decade. These include bitcoin being accepted by more merchants for payment for goods and services, bitcoin being added to the balance sheets of prominent companies, and of course, the bitcoin exchange-traded fund. The bitcoin ETF has been, thus far, one of the most elusive milestones for the crypto industry. Giant firms like Robinhood and Gemini have applied to the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States for approval for an ETF but all have been denied. With the current rush of institutional support that bitcoin has seen in the last few months from companies like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, there is talk of more pressure being put on the SEC to approve a bitcoin ETF at some point. Incoming Rocket Fuel? Now, according to Global Marco CEO Raoul Pal, the ETF is the next rocket fuel for the market. An ETF, he said in a recent Twitter exchange, will lead to a brand new level of support for bitcoin as well as an increase in price. This was in response to a tweet that claims that bitcoin is consolidating in price ahead of an ETF approval. “This is my view.. The ETF is the next rocket fuel for this market. The Wall of Money keeps coming but it takes time for everyone to get internal approvals. I have so many conversations helping hedge funds, Family Offices and Asset Managers each week. All happening and more…” he said. Bitcoin, in the last few months, saw a significant bull run and a new all-time price high of over $65,000 per token. Now, the price hovers around $50,000 and has remained steadily in that price range for the last few weeks. Some believe that the market is prepping for another bull run but needs something to trigger it and Pal feels that the ETF is what is needed. Regardless of what the price effect will be of an ETF approval, it cannot be denied that it will make it easier for investors to put money into bitcoin and other cryptos and will also lead to even more mainstream acceptance for bitcoin.




  • 三星是最新一家向消费者提供 NFT 的大型科技公司。
  • 该公司计划在其新型智能电视系列中推出 NFT。
  • 最近几个月,NFT 越来越受到关注,专家预测资产类别将进一步膨胀。

三星电视将在 2022 年为生态系统提供 NFT 兼容性。 专家预计,这个价值数十亿美元的行业在新的一年迎来了一个良好的开端。

三星的 NFT

在公开声明中,三星宣布了将于 2022 年推出的新系列智能电视。 据这家韩国公司称,新机型将配备支持 NFT 和游戏的新智能集线器。

“该应用程序具有直观的集成平台,可通过 MICRO LED、Neo QLed 和 The Frame 发现、购买和交易数字艺术品,” 该公司写了关于新功能的文章。

“随着对 NFT 的需求不断增加,对当今分散的观看和购买环境的解决方案的需求从未如此强烈,” 三星在与出版公司 The Verge 的一份声明中说。 “到 2022 年,三星将推出世界上第一个基于电视屏幕的 NFT 浏览器和市场聚合器,这是一个开创性的平台,让您可以在一个地方浏览、购买和展示自己喜欢的艺术品。”

三星电视上的新功能将允许个人在购买前预览不可替代的代币,并且用户还可以选择在购买前追踪 NFT 所有权的历史。 电视将具有智能校准功能,可以无缝地显示“真实的原始图像质量”。 这些电视将在未来几个月内向用户提供。




三星之前的 NFT 活动

这不是三星首次涉足 NFT,因为该公司在过去 12 个月内已进军该领域。 这家科技公司通过其投资部门 Samsung Next 投资了一些 NFT 公司,如 Sky Mavis、Dapper Labs、The Sandbox 和 Super Rare。

自从成为这些公司的早期投资者以来,随着数字所有权趋势与元宇宙一起起飞,NFT 已成为人们关注的焦点。 在这两个领域都有大量投资的三星认为,现在是直接采用 NFT 的时候了。 

越来越多的机构采用 NFT 导致 Kevin O'Leary 评论说,不可替代的代币将是比比特币更大的资产类别。 NFT 的总销售额在 14 年飙升至 2021 亿美元以上,并且看起来将在 2022 年超过该指标。
